Keeping more heat inside your exhaust system has multiple benefits. It increases exhaust system efficiency, reduces under-hood and under-car heat, significantly reduces the amount of heat components near the exhaust system are exposed to, and helps to reduce the risk of severely burning yourself on a hot exhaust pipe when working on your vehicle.

Black Titanium Exhaust Wrap is one of the best ways to keep more heat in your exhaust system, especially when it comes to insulating exhaust header and manifold pipes.hiwowsport has spent decades developing and evolving the best and most durable exhaust wraps available to insulate pipes and reduce the amount of heat they radiate.
·Titanium wrap designed to be stronger and more durable than most wraps for improved thermal performance and reliability
·Withstands 300°F direct heat and 2500°F intermittent heat
·Promotes flow, improves performance; reduces thermal and vibrational decomposition
·Very flexible, tight and secure wrap
·Highly resistant to wear, oil spills, thermal and vibration decomposition
·Suitable type: Universal